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January 10, 2020
Skin Disorder Symptoms and Prevention
January 10, 2020Psoriasis Skin Disorder

What is psoriasis?
Psoriasis is a type of skin disorder which is a vernacular chronic situation which causes eccentric white patches and thick red scales on the skin. These skin changes look really ugly on one’s face.
What are the causes of psoriasis?
Psoriasis begins with the immune system. Most of us are not aware of the fact that our immune system generally saves the body from diseases and infections which are caused by the viruses and bacteria. When you are attacked by the Psoriasis skin disorder, the patient’s T cells by mistake attacks on to the skin cells. The T cells are a form of white blood cells which are present inside immune system. After this attack, the immune system gives reactions like faster production of the skin cells and swelling. This skin disorder is hereditary so it runs in the family. It develops during the age period of 10 to 45 years.
It is also possible that Psoriasis patients may not show any of the symptoms of
this skin disorder for a longer period of time. In that time period the problem
may turn out to be worse without letting you know it. The common causes of
psoriasis are as follows:
- Infections like common cold and strep throat.
- Immune diseases that weakens the immune system of the individual.
- Smoking.
- Cold weather and climate.
- Skin irritation.
- Medicinal reaction like medicines used to avoid malaria and beta blockers taken up for blood pressure.
- Stress and depression.
Symptoms of psoriasis!
The symptoms may differ from on person to another due to various factors. The factors which change the probabilities of symptoms are hereditary weakness, genes, immune power, working level, exercise regime and so on. The symptoms are:
§ Pus –filled blisters that also show red skin patches. These blisters occur in critical cases.
§ Pitted and thick finger nails.
§ Burning sensation, soreness and itchiness in the skin.
§ Flaky, bleeding, cracked and dry skin.
§ Scaly, raise patchy and reddish or pinkish skin.
The most common areas where these symptoms occur are elbows, knees and face. It is not necessary that these symptoms of psoriasis will occur only at these three areas, they may take place any where on the body such as skin on the joints, mouth, feet, palms, scalp and so on.
Is psoriasis skin disorder contagious?
Many people wonder whether this skin order is contagious or not. In simple words, is it communicable or transmittable in nature? The answer is completely no. You will not get this disorder just by touching or getting in contact with the person suffering from psoriasis. It is not transmittable even through the air.
Psoriasis treatment!There are numerous methods of treatments for Psoriasis skin disorder. Your physician or dermatologist will be able to prescribe the best treatment for you. On home based methods, the first rank goes to keeping your skin totally and properly moisturized so that the skin does not crack or become dry. As an advice you must take a good bath in Epsom salts, oatmeal, bathing oil, Dead Sea salts on daily basis to remove the skin scales and offer soothing effect the red skin. Your dermatologist may prescribe you to use gels, ointments, creams and even medicines.