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October 7, 2021Should I Remove My Makeup If I Go Jogging or Exercise?

Should I Remove My Makeup If I Go Jogging or Exercise? It is likely that usually when you leave the house, wear makeup, and then go to training after you finish with your commitments for the day. But be careful, you must cleanse your skin and hydrate it properly. As training with makeup can cause several problems for your skin.
Should I Remove My Makeup If I Go Jogging or Exercise?

To begin with, it is good to say that the body has specific mechanisms when you train a specific area. Remember that by sweating we are eliminating toxins and cleaning your body through the dilation of the pores of the skin. If during this process, your body absorbs the Particles that make-up has any residue on the skin will be affected.
Experts in skin health recommend remove makeup and cleaning the face and hydrating it before starting a jogging or exercise routine. If your physical activity is carried out outdoors, it is important that you use sunscreen. Several cosmetic brands have released products for it. Face intended for people who perform any type of sport.
The sunscreen will protect the skin from UV rays and will also prevent your skin from aging. Having an intense exercise routine accelerates the production of Free Radicals, which cause skin aging.
On the other hand, if you train in closed spaces such as at home or in a gym, it is best to remove makeup and leave your skin completely clean of any product, it does not matter if you do high or low impact training. Your skin must breathe freely.
Several products contain vitamin E that is ideal for hydrating the skin during workouts. Vitamin E is one of the most powerful to fight free radicals, and it also helps your skin look natural while your body regenerates vitamin E.
With this, we do not want to tell you that you should reduce your training hours and deprive yourself of the benefits that sports bring to your health, only for aesthetic reasons. Remember that having a healthy face is better in the gym is the best makeup you can wear while training. It is advisable to be careful with your skin depending on the type of jogging or exercise you do.
Have you heard of the athlete’s face?

Have you ever heard of “the face of the athlete”?
This is nothing more than when your face turns red when you exercise, this happens because sweating raises our body temperature, which causes blood vessels to dilate. If your face has makeup and you remove the sweat, you will carry away any impurities but you will not remove them completely. This can cause some infections, as the skin of the face is very delicate.
One of the problems that training with makeup can cause is folliculitis. As the name implies, this is an infection of the hair follicles. Many times it is generated due to the impurities that the skin absorbs throughout the day and by the remains of makeup.
Also, cleaning after exercising is essential to maintain the benefits of your physical activity. After bathing, we recommend using a toner according to your skin type and then moisturizing it with your usual cream.
Without a doubt, acne is one of those problems that affect self-esteem and can even trigger emotional problems such as depression and insecurity. This is one of the reasons why many people cannot give up the use of makeup, especially foundations, even though they are training.
But as we said before, these habits can cause problems in our skin, which is not exactly healthy. If you go to the gym you will surely have noticed that the more you train and sweat the makeup will fade, leaving only remains on the skin, here are some reasons why you should not wear makeup while walking or exercising:
1. Make-up clogs your pores:

The makeup you apply to your face has the function of giving your skin a flawless appearance and hiding any small imperfections. When you exercise, as your body temperature increases, this causes your face to rise in temperature, dilating the pores to begin the absorption process and the makeup will penetrate inside, clogging the pores. This is how obnoxious blackheads are generated.
2. Makeup will dry your face:

This is one of the most important reasons why you should not use makeup when exercising, especially if you suffer from dry skin, makeup will dry out your skin even more, if you combine it with sweat and your PH, the skin will become irritated and can cause dermatitis.
3. Your skin will age before its time:

If you are one of those people who are concerned about the appearance of wrinkles on your face, it would be a good option to avoid makeup, we must remember that you will be accumulating impurities on your face, causing it to look aged and over time the dreaded wrinkles will appear.
4. Make-up stops the elimination of toxins

When you exercise, your body regulates the temperature through sweat due to perspiration. This is why the toxins leave your body, if you use makeup, it will prevent the sweat from evaporating and your skin will be affected.
5. You are exposed to many surfaces with bacteria.

Remember that in these environments you are touching surfaces full of bacteria, especially in the gym such as mats, weights, and exercise machines. According to studies, people usually touch their face an average of 16 times per hour, the use of makeup allows bacteria to adhere to the skin more easily.
Should I Remove My Makeup If I Go Jogging or Exercise? – Conclusion

Although it is a reality that makeup does not cause permanent damage, it is not healthy for our skin. Therefore it must be removed before training with the appropriate products.
As we mentioned above, always under the recommendation of your trusted specialist, in addition, to take into account everything we mentioned in this article, which only seeks to inform about the problems you may have when wearing makeup while walking or exercising.